About me
I am a data scientist with a background in computational astrophysics and high-performance computing. I currently hold the position of Data Scientist at XOi.
About my work
My dissertation focused on investigating the processes of massive black hole seed formation and assembly in the first billion years of the Universe. I used state-of-the-art N-body+Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics computer simulations to study the demographics of direct collapse black hole seed formation in the presence of a reaslistic Lyman-Werner radiation field. I then applied a semi-analytic model for black hole mergers to these simulation results to follow the assembly and merger history of these seeds to understand the role of gravitational recoil in the evolution of these progenitor seeds out to a redshift of 5.
This animation demonstrates the formation of massive black hole (MBH) seeds (represented by filled, black circles) from redshift ~30 to 5. The MBH seeds form in areas of high density gas in dark matter mini halos very early in the Universe. This animation was created using Gasoline simulations.
Data Science
At XSOLIS, I worked on a team of data scientists modeling resource planning targets such as level of care, patient stratification, and discharge planning for health care facilities across the United States.